


十大赌博靠谱网络平台将于2024年5月12日星期日举行第117届毕业典礼. 仪式将于上午10点开始.m. 在罗斯体育中心.

The day of 毕业典礼 will begin with students processing through campus to the Ross Sports Center at 9:40 a.m., then the ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. 毕业典礼将通过毕业典礼网站上的链接进行直播.

学院提供了一条毕业典礼热线(电话和电子邮件),可以在早上8点进入.m. 到下午4点.m. 帮助即将毕业的学生和他们的父母解决任何问题或信息. Hotline questions can be emailed to commencement@bonusmingguanqq1221.net 或者你可以打802.654.2216.


Dr. Ansel Augustine will be the 毕业典礼 speaker at the 117th Saint Michael's College commencement ceremony.

Dr. 安塞尔·奥古斯丁博士. 分钟,

Dr. 安塞尔·奥古斯丁博士. 分钟, an award-winning author and speaker, and the United States 天主教主教会议’ Assistant Director of African American Affairs of the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, 将在十大赌博靠谱网络平台向2024届毕业生发表毕业典礼演讲吗.

Dr. Augustine began his career in ministry more than 20 years ago when he became the youth minister at his home parish of St. Peter Claver in the Treme area of New Orleans, which he later helped rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. St. Peter Catholic Church was run for 30 years by the Edmundites, the Catholic order which also founded Saint Michael’s College.

在他的职业生涯中. Augustine has focused his ministry on youth, 年轻的成年人, 多元文化群体, with social justice advocacy at the core of his work. He has also worked to shed light on the Black Catholic experience through workshops and presentations throughout the country, 通过他的写作, and as the film producer of “Black Faith Matters,” for which he was nominated for an Emmy Award.

在刚刚过去的2月里. Augustine was invited to campus by the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice to give a talk titled “Radically Black and Authentically Catholic – A Journey of Faith.”

“我们非常激动地欢迎. 安塞尔·奥古斯丁回到校园与我们的毕业生分享他的智慧,” said Saint Michael’s College 总统 Richard Plumb. “Dr. 奥古斯丁用他自己的经验和观察来帮助世界变得更美好, 更具包容性的地方. His message is an important one for our graduates who will be embarking on their own paths and making their own marks on the world.”

Dr. Augustine serves on the 教师 of two higher education institutions: Xavier University of Louisiana’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies and 新奥尔良洛约拉大学’ Institute for 最小值istry. 他还曾担任路易斯安那州泽维尔大学的校园部长, 新奥尔良洛约拉大学, 和圣. John’s University in Queens, New York. 他是几本书的作者, including “The African American Catholic Youth Bible” and “Leveling the Playing Field: Can the Church We Love, 也爱我们?”
Dr. Augustine most recently served as the Director of the Office of Black Catholic 最小值istries for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. 他还曾担任过新奥尔良地区流浪者任务主任, 华盛顿大主教管区文化多样性和外联执行主任, and the Associate Director/Coordinator of Black Youth and Young Adult 最小值istry for the CYO Youth and Young Adult 最小值istry Office. He has served on the Board of Directors for the National Catholic Young Adult 最小值istry Association (NCYAMA) and the National Federation of Catholic Youth 最小值istry (NFCYM).

此外,博士. 奥古斯丁在监狱事工中担任各种职务超过25年. 他在狂欢节印第安人委员会和后街文化博物馆做志愿者. He is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; the Knights of Columbus; the Knights of Peter Claver; and the Wild Tchoupitoulas (Black Masking) Mardi Gras Indians. 他也是新奥尔良圣家姐妹会的准会员.

更多十大赌博靠谱网络平台博士的信息. 奥古斯丁可以在 http://holyhotboy.info.


Students must submit a Graduation Application through KnightVision Self-Service in order to receive 信息rmation about commencement, 并且有资格买票.  Please direct any follow-up questions to the 注册商’s Office.


Qualified 老年人 and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on April 18th. 每位符合条件的学生将获得六张进入罗斯体育中心的门票.

Selling tickets is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  Students who do this will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony and their tickets will be invalidated.  所有学生都应该意识到,如果他们以这种方式购买门票, 它可能无法入境.

颁奖典礼将进行直播. 这个链接将在典礼当天早上出现在毕业典礼网站上. Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.


Senior Salute Day – Thursday, April 18, 2023, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 



  • 老年人 can start picking up their caps, gowns, tassels, tickets
  • at the Senior Salute Day in the Alliot学生中心大厅. 这对老年人来说是没有成本的.
  • 获得拉丁荣誉(summa cum laude, magna cum laude)的学生可获得金质荣誉流苏 & cum laude) will be available for pickup.
  • 老年人 can purchase a class ring from either the Jostens or 贝尔福 网站.
  • Senior Week tickets and 信息 will be available
  • Light refreshments will be available




毕业生和他们的家人被邀请参加星期六的学士学位弥撒, 5月11日, 下午4点.m. 在教堂里.  Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the 毕业典礼 activities.



标记 & 票

校徽(帽子和长袍)和门票在校园商店有售. 如有可能,请于典礼前领取阁下的礼服及入场券. The Bookstore will be open on the morning of 毕业典礼, 工作人员将尽最大努力帮助您解决最后的徽章问题. 在毕业典礼的早晨, tassels should be on the right side of your cap, 只有当普拉姆校长正式授予你学位时,才应该移到左边.


将有两张班级照片:一张给研究生,一张给本科生. Grad students will assemble in front of the fireplace in Alliot and undergrads will gather on the steps of the Durick 图书馆 by 8:55 AM. 请注意:如果你没有按时拍照,你将不会在照片中. The photos will be taken at 9:00 AM sharp – please plan accordingly.


你的名片是今年毕业典礼的重要组成部分. Name cards will be available for pickup outside between Alliot and Joyce from 8:30 AM and 9:40 AM. (欢迎您在上课前或课后领取名片.) IMPORTANT – Please hold onto your name card until you give it to 注册商’s Office personnel before crossing the stage during the ceremony.


You will be lining up outside between Alliot and Joyce. 你们将在游行队伍中排成两队:一队是获得硕士学位的学生, and one for students receiving a Bachelor’s degree. You will receive further instructions from VP Dawn Ellinwood and Assistant Dean Kerri Leach during lineup.




为了帮助我们的宿舍和物理工厂的工作人员准备夏季入住, all rooms should be cleared of student belongings by 6:00 p.m. 5月12日星期日.
请按照您的住宿登记主任或住宿登记主任提供的指示归还您的房间和房间钥匙. Mail keys should be returned to the mailroom.

Information for Family, Friends and Guests


学院提供了一条毕业典礼热线(电话和电子邮件),可以在早上8点进入.m. 到下午4点.m. 帮助即将毕业的学生和他们的父母解决任何问题或信息. Please read our FAQ section before calling the hotline.
Hotline questions can be emailed to commencement@bonusmingguanqq1221.net 或者你可以打802.654.2216.



毕业生和他们的家人被邀请参加星期六的学士学位弥撒, 5月11日, 下午4点.m. 在教堂里.  Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the 毕业典礼 activities.


The ceremony will be held 在罗斯体育中心.




Qualified 老年人 and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on April 18th.  No additional tickets are available.


Additional tickets are not available. We regret that we cannot provide additional tickets, so ask that you please do not call to ask for an exception.


我们猜想你们大多数人已经预定了周六晚上的住宿.  然而, please remember also to make local restaurant reservations ahead of time for Saturday and/or Sunday.  我们的 酒店及住宿 网站 提供了圣迈克尔教堂游客打折地点的信息.  You can find additional 信息rmation on the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce web site 或拨打802.863.3489,免费电话877.686.5253.


Public Safety will be directing parking on the day of 毕业典礼.  你可在指定地点让乘客下车,然后把车停好.  Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards. Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.


Ticket holders should plan to be seated by 9:30 AM.  Please note that tickets are required for children. 座位区上午8:30开放.m.  票 are not required for the Baccalaureate Mass.


我们的 Public Safety and Special 事件 staff are pleased to direct our ticketed guests with special needs to designated areas. 不需要预约. 我们要求你再安排一个家庭成员坐在那个区域.  我们的 staff will assist you as necessary.  请计划早点到. 座位区上午8:30开放.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters.  Please note that reserved balcony seating is not wheelchair accessible.


颁奖典礼将进行直播.  这个链接将在典礼当天早上出现在毕业典礼网站上. 无票的客人可以在麦卡锡艺术中心观看直播.


毕业典礼后,将在图书馆草坪举行毕业典礼招待会.  将提供茶点.  如遇下雨,招待会将在塔兰特娱乐中心举行.


在毕业典礼周末期间,校园商店将于周六中午至下午4点开放.m. 周日早上8点半开始.m. 到3点.m.

个性化的公告/邀请订单可在网上发布 贝尔福的网站 along with other 毕业典礼 items


班环-联系任一 Jostens or 贝尔福

Senior photos are available online after the ceremony at GradImages.


For safety and because of limited space in the seating areas, 学生和嘉宾禁止携带下列物品参加毕业典礼.







  • 完成至少128个学分,至少32门不同的课程.
  • Complete the degree requirements of one of the established majors.
  • Complete the core curriculum requirements.
  • Achieve a minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.0和最小值为2.0 average in courses taken in the major.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 of the last 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
  • Transfer students must earn a minimum of 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
  • Fill out a graduation application at the beginning of the academic year in which the degree is expected.

It is the responsibility of the student – in consultation with the advisor – to enroll in the appropriate courses in order to meet degree requirements.


Students who have completed all of their degree requirements by the end of a given spring semester are fully eligible to participate in May 毕业典礼 Exercises. Graduates will have their names called, process across the stage to receive their diplomas, and have their names printed in the 毕业典礼 program.

Undergraduate students who are within eight credits of meeting their degree requirements are eligible to “walk” at the May 毕业典礼 Exercises. “行尸”有自己的名字, process across the stage to receive a blank diploma cover, and are listed in the 毕业典礼 program.

Undergraduate students who are not eligible to graduate or “walk” (as outlined above) – yet feel an affiliation with the graduating class – may “robe” for the 毕业典礼 ceremony. “罗伯斯”过程与他们的班级开始和结束仪式. 他们的名字没有被点名,他们也没有被列入毕业典礼的名单.


How do I receive tickets for the 毕业典礼 ceremony? 
符合条件的大四学生将于4月18日领取学位帽和学位服时领取入场券.  No additional tickets are available.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide extra tickets. Please do not contact the College for an exception.

Where can I see the ceremony without a ticket? 
颁奖典礼将进行直播.  这个链接将在典礼当天早上出现在毕业典礼网站上.  Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.


I have a question not answered here. 我在哪里可以得到帮助? 
联系 the 毕业典礼热线 by emailing 毕业典礼@bonusmingguanqq1221.net 或致电802-654-2216. 每周日上午8:30,毕业典礼咨询台就在教学花园.m.

Baccalaureate Mass is a Roman Catholic Mass 在教堂里 of Saint Michael the Archangel the day before the 毕业典礼 ceremony. We welcome all 老年人 and their families to celebrate our Roman Catholic liturgy with us as a time to pray together as a community. Graduates do not need to wear robes and are welcome to sit wherever they would like 在教堂里 with their family and friends. 有关弥撒敬拜细节的更多资讯,请浏览 联合国网站.S. 天主教主教会议.
票 are not needed for the Baccalaureate Mass.

Are personalized announcements available? 
Personalized announcements/invitations can be ordered online at 贝尔福  along with other 毕业典礼 items.

What time should I arrive for the 毕业典礼 ceremony? 
座位区上午8:30开放.m.  Guests are asked to be in their seats by 9:30 a.m.

仪式是普通入场的. Sections are reserved for graduates, 教师, 政要和媒体, 除了为行动不便的客人或其他无障碍问题的部分.

How do I make arrangements for accessible seating? 
我们的 Public Safety and Special 事件 staff are pleased to direct our guests with special needs to designated areas. 我们要求你再安排一个家庭成员坐在那个区域.  我们的 staff will assist you by moving chairs as necessary.  请计划早点到. 座位区上午8:30开放.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters. 请注意,预订的阳台座位不允许轮椅进入.

Please follow the directions of our public safety officers.  您可以在指定地点让您的乘客下车,然后去停车.

Where will disabled parking be located? 
Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards.  Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.


Will pictures and DVD’s be available?
毕业典礼 DVDs will not be available this year.

我们的 毕业典礼 photographer is Grad Images. Pictures of graduates will be available on their website at: Gradimages.  You will be receiving a mailing with more 信息rmation and offers.


标记 may be ordered at the 校园商店. The 校园商店 can be reached at 802.654.2517.

On the day of 毕业典礼 (Sunday, May 12, 2024): 

Faculty robe in Cheray 101 at 9:15 a.m.
教员/员工 will be lined up by the 教师元帅.


  • Saint Andrew’s Pipe Band of Vermont
  • 大统领
  • 老年人
  • 大师候选人
  • 教师元帅
  • 教员/员工
  • 嘉宾/元帅
  • Trustees/Honored Guests/总统’s Cabinet
  • 讲台党
  • VPAA
  • 总统


Dr. Ansel Augustine will be the 毕业典礼 speaker at the 117th Saint Michael's College commencement ceremony.

Dr. 安塞尔·奥古斯丁博士. 分钟,

Dr. 安塞尔·奥古斯丁博士. 分钟, an award-winning author and speaker, and the United States 天主教主教会议’ Assistant Director of African American Affairs of the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, 将在十大赌博靠谱网络平台向2024届毕业生发表毕业典礼演讲吗.

Dr. Augustine began his career in ministry more than 20 years ago when he became the youth minister at his home parish of St. Peter Claver in the Treme area of New Orleans, which he later helped rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. St. Peter Catholic Church was run for 30 years by the Edmundites, the Catholic order which also founded Saint Michael’s College.

在他的职业生涯中. Augustine has focused his ministry on youth, 年轻的成年人, 多元文化群体, with social justice advocacy at the core of his work. He has also worked to shed light on the Black Catholic experience through workshops and presentations throughout the country, 通过他的写作, and as the film producer of “Black Faith Matters,” for which he was nominated for an Emmy Award.

在刚刚过去的2月里. Augustine was invited to campus by the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice to give a talk titled “Radically Black and Authentically Catholic – A Journey of Faith.”

“我们非常激动地欢迎. 安塞尔·奥古斯丁回到校园与我们的毕业生分享他的智慧,” said Saint Michael’s College 总统 Richard Plumb. “Dr. 奥古斯丁用他自己的经验和观察来帮助世界变得更美好, 更具包容性的地方. His message is an important one for our graduates who will be embarking on their own paths and making their own marks on the world.”

Dr. Augustine serves on the 教师 of two higher education institutions: Xavier University of Louisiana’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies and 新奥尔良洛约拉大学’ Institute for 最小值istry. 他还曾担任路易斯安那州泽维尔大学的校园部长, 新奥尔良洛约拉大学, 和圣. John’s University in Queens, New York. 他是几本书的作者, including “The African American Catholic Youth Bible” and “Leveling the Playing Field: Can the Church We Love, 也爱我们?”
Dr. Augustine most recently served as the Director of the Office of Black Catholic 最小值istries for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. 他还曾担任过新奥尔良地区流浪者任务主任, 华盛顿大主教管区文化多样性和外联执行主任, and the Associate Director/Coordinator of Black Youth and Young Adult 最小值istry for the CYO Youth and Young Adult 最小值istry Office. He has served on the Board of Directors for the National Catholic Young Adult 最小值istry Association (NCYAMA) and the National Federation of Catholic Youth 最小值istry (NFCYM).

此外,博士. 奥古斯丁在监狱事工中担任各种职务超过25年. 他在狂欢节印第安人委员会和后街文化博物馆做志愿者. He is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; the Knights of Columbus; the Knights of Peter Claver; and the Wild Tchoupitoulas (Black Masking) Mardi Gras Indians. 他也是新奥尔良圣家姐妹会的准会员.

更多十大赌博靠谱网络平台博士的信息. 奥古斯丁可以在 http://holyhotboy.info.


Students must submit a Graduation Application through KnightVision Self-Service in order to receive 信息rmation about commencement, 并且有资格买票.  Please direct any follow-up questions to the 注册商’s Office.


Qualified 老年人 and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on April 18th. 每位符合条件的学生将获得六张进入罗斯体育中心的门票.

Selling tickets is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  Students who do this will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony and their tickets will be invalidated.  所有学生都应该意识到,如果他们以这种方式购买门票, 它可能无法入境.

颁奖典礼将进行直播. 这个链接将在典礼当天早上出现在毕业典礼网站上. Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.


Senior Salute Day – Thursday, April 18, 2023, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 



  • 老年人 can start picking up their caps, gowns, tassels, tickets
  • at the Senior Salute Day in the Alliot学生中心大厅. 这对老年人来说是没有成本的.
  • 获得拉丁荣誉(summa cum laude, magna cum laude)的学生可获得金质荣誉流苏 & cum laude) will be available for pickup.
  • 老年人 can purchase a class ring from either the Jostens or 贝尔福 网站.
  • Senior Week tickets and 信息 will be available
  • Light refreshments will be available




毕业生和他们的家人被邀请参加星期六的学士学位弥撒, 5月11日, 下午4点.m. 在教堂里.  Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the 毕业典礼 activities.



标记 & 票

校徽(帽子和长袍)和门票在校园商店有售. 如有可能,请于典礼前领取阁下的礼服及入场券. The Bookstore will be open on the morning of 毕业典礼, 工作人员将尽最大努力帮助您解决最后的徽章问题. 在毕业典礼的早晨, tassels should be on the right side of your cap, 只有当普拉姆校长正式授予你学位时,才应该移到左边.


将有两张班级照片:一张给研究生,一张给本科生. Grad students will assemble in front of the fireplace in Alliot and undergrads will gather on the steps of the Durick 图书馆 by 8:55 AM. 请注意:如果你没有按时拍照,你将不会在照片中. The photos will be taken at 9:00 AM sharp – please plan accordingly.


你的名片是今年毕业典礼的重要组成部分. Name cards will be available for pickup outside between Alliot and Joyce from 8:30 AM and 9:40 AM. (欢迎您在上课前或课后领取名片.) IMPORTANT – Please hold onto your name card until you give it to 注册商’s Office personnel before crossing the stage during the ceremony.


You will be lining up outside between Alliot and Joyce. 你们将在游行队伍中排成两队:一队是获得硕士学位的学生, and one for students receiving a Bachelor’s degree. You will receive further instructions from VP Dawn Ellinwood and Assistant Dean Kerri Leach during lineup.




为了帮助我们的宿舍和物理工厂的工作人员准备夏季入住, all rooms should be cleared of student belongings by 6:00 p.m. 5月12日星期日.
请按照您的住宿登记主任或住宿登记主任提供的指示归还您的房间和房间钥匙. Mail keys should be returned to the mailroom.

Information for Family, Friends and Guests


学院提供了一条毕业典礼热线(电话和电子邮件),可以在早上8点进入.m. 到下午4点.m. 帮助即将毕业的学生和他们的父母解决任何问题或信息. Please read our FAQ section before calling the hotline.
Hotline questions can be emailed to commencement@bonusmingguanqq1221.net 或者你可以打802.654.2216.



毕业生和他们的家人被邀请参加星期六的学士学位弥撒, 5月11日, 下午4点.m. 在教堂里.  Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the 毕业典礼 activities.


The ceremony will be held 在罗斯体育中心.




Qualified 老年人 and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on April 18th.  No additional tickets are available.


Additional tickets are not available. We regret that we cannot provide additional tickets, so ask that you please do not call to ask for an exception.


我们猜想你们大多数人已经预定了周六晚上的住宿.  然而, please remember also to make local restaurant reservations ahead of time for Saturday and/or Sunday.  我们的 酒店及住宿 网站 提供了圣迈克尔教堂游客打折地点的信息.  You can find additional 信息rmation on the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce web site 或拨打802.863.3489,免费电话877.686.5253.


Public Safety will be directing parking on the day of 毕业典礼.  你可在指定地点让乘客下车,然后把车停好.  Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards. Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.


Ticket holders should plan to be seated by 9:30 AM.  Please note that tickets are required for children. 座位区上午8:30开放.m.  票 are not required for the Baccalaureate Mass.


我们的 Public Safety and Special 事件 staff are pleased to direct our ticketed guests with special needs to designated areas. 不需要预约. 我们要求你再安排一个家庭成员坐在那个区域.  我们的 staff will assist you as necessary.  请计划早点到. 座位区上午8:30开放.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters.  Please note that reserved balcony seating is not wheelchair accessible.


颁奖典礼将进行直播.  这个链接将在典礼当天早上出现在毕业典礼网站上. 无票的客人可以在麦卡锡艺术中心观看直播.


毕业典礼后,将在图书馆草坪举行毕业典礼招待会.  将提供茶点.  如遇下雨,招待会将在塔兰特娱乐中心举行.


在毕业典礼周末期间,校园商店将于周六中午至下午4点开放.m. 周日早上8点半开始.m. 到3点.m.

个性化的公告/邀请订单可在网上发布 贝尔福的网站 along with other 毕业典礼 items


班环-联系任一 Jostens or 贝尔福

Senior photos are available online after the ceremony at GradImages.


For safety and because of limited space in the seating areas, 学生和嘉宾禁止携带下列物品参加毕业典礼.







  • 完成至少128个学分,至少32门不同的课程.
  • Complete the degree requirements of one of the established majors.
  • Complete the core curriculum requirements.
  • Achieve a minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.0和最小值为2.0 average in courses taken in the major.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 of the last 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
  • Transfer students must earn a minimum of 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
  • Fill out a graduation application at the beginning of the academic year in which the degree is expected.

It is the responsibility of the student – in consultation with the advisor – to enroll in the appropriate courses in order to meet degree requirements.


Students who have completed all of their degree requirements by the end of a given spring semester are fully eligible to participate in May 毕业典礼 Exercises. Graduates will have their names called, process across the stage to receive their diplomas, and have their names printed in the 毕业典礼 program.

Undergraduate students who are within eight credits of meeting their degree requirements are eligible to “walk” at the May 毕业典礼 Exercises. “行尸”有自己的名字, process across the stage to receive a blank diploma cover, and are listed in the 毕业典礼 program.

Undergraduate students who are not eligible to graduate or “walk” (as outlined above) – yet feel an affiliation with the graduating class – may “robe” for the 毕业典礼 ceremony. “罗伯斯”过程与他们的班级开始和结束仪式. 他们的名字没有被点名,他们也没有被列入毕业典礼的名单.


How do I receive tickets for the 毕业典礼 ceremony? 
符合条件的大四学生将于4月18日领取学位帽和学位服时领取入场券.  No additional tickets are available.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide extra tickets. Please do not contact the College for an exception.

Where can I see the ceremony without a ticket? 
颁奖典礼将进行直播.  这个链接将在典礼当天早上出现在毕业典礼网站上.  Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.


I have a question not answered here. 我在哪里可以得到帮助? 
联系 the 毕业典礼热线 by emailing 毕业典礼@bonusmingguanqq1221.net 或致电802-654-2216. 每周日上午8:30,毕业典礼咨询台就在教学花园.m.

Baccalaureate Mass is a Roman Catholic Mass 在教堂里 of Saint Michael the Archangel the day before the 毕业典礼 ceremony. We welcome all 老年人 and their families to celebrate our Roman Catholic liturgy with us as a time to pray together as a community. Graduates do not need to wear robes and are welcome to sit wherever they would like 在教堂里 with their family and friends. 有关弥撒敬拜细节的更多资讯,请浏览 联合国网站.S. 天主教主教会议.
票 are not needed for the Baccalaureate Mass.

Are personalized announcements available? 
Personalized announcements/invitations can be ordered online at 贝尔福  along with other 毕业典礼 items.

What time should I arrive for the 毕业典礼 ceremony? 
座位区上午8:30开放.m.  Guests are asked to be in their seats by 9:30 a.m.

仪式是普通入场的. Sections are reserved for graduates, 教师, 政要和媒体, 除了为行动不便的客人或其他无障碍问题的部分.

How do I make arrangements for accessible seating? 
我们的 Public Safety and Special 事件 staff are pleased to direct our guests with special needs to designated areas. 我们要求你再安排一个家庭成员坐在那个区域.  我们的 staff will assist you by moving chairs as necessary.  请计划早点到. 座位区上午8:30开放.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters. 请注意,预订的阳台座位不允许轮椅进入.

Please follow the directions of our public safety officers.  您可以在指定地点让您的乘客下车,然后去停车.

Where will disabled parking be located? 
Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards.  Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.


Will pictures and DVD’s be available?
毕业典礼 DVDs will not be available this year.

我们的 毕业典礼 photographer is Grad Images. Pictures of graduates will be available on their website at: Gradimages.  You will be receiving a mailing with more 信息rmation and offers.


标记 may be ordered at the 校园商店. The 校园商店 can be reached at 802.654.2517.

On the day of 毕业典礼 (Sunday, May 12, 2024): 

Faculty robe in Cheray 101 at 9:15 a.m.
教员/员工 will be lined up by the 教师元帅.


  • Saint Andrew’s Pipe Band of Vermont
  • 大统领
  • 老年人
  • 大师候选人
  • 教师元帅
  • 教员/员工
  • 嘉宾/元帅
  • Trustees/Honored Guests/总统’s Cabinet
  • 讲台党
  • VPAA
  • 总统